
Pawssum is a great innovation.The

Pawssum is a great innovation.
The dr. who attended to euthanize a beloved waif I have cared for about 10 years was so professional, patient, courteous and quick- witted. He had to deal with a cat that had never been socialized the time she had been with me. When she arrived, she was in a very poor condition. I believe she had been cruelly treated, with possible internal injuries. It took a long time for her to gain weight and to trust, though I was never able to get closer to her than 1 meter away. Today’s mercy treatment for Fluffy was a very difficult job. I highly commend *Dr Bahaa who undertook it.
*With apologies to the doctor for not taking better note of his name. And apologies that he was wounded during the course of his work today.

Gloria Sumner