Sending Subie over the Rainbow

I had Subie for 19 years, and I wanted nothing but the best I could give him.
Dr.Beshoy is a very caring, gentle and quietly spoken man. I made the hardest decision of my life for Subie and I was worried I was doing the wrong thing, Dr Beshoy checked my ginger boy and said it was the best thing for Subie. Dr Beshoy went into great detail to explain the steps of the procedure for Subie.
We said our goodbyes to Subie with no rush, then I held and patted Subie during the procedure.
DrBeshoy then let us have time with Subie and once finished the farewell, he asked for something to wrap Subie with. So his favorite blanket was used, and one he was wrapped I carried Subie to the doctors car.
DrBeshoy is very professional, and through the whole thing he was speaking to Subie.

Thank you for all your great service from start to finish

Neil Withers